Terms and Conditions and disclaimer
When a confirmed booking is made and accepted by Club Sail Pty. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the 'Company' a binding contract shall be deemed to subsist between both parties. No liability shall accrue to either the Company student/passenger if either is prevented from fulfilling any of their contractual obligations by any incidence of force majeure including acts of God, strikes, or any other event which can reasonably be beyond the control of either party. In the event of any dispute arising out of the terms of this contract, it shall be referred to a mutually acceptable arbiter whose decision shall be binding to both parties. It is understood that the student/passenger will indemnify the Company for any non-insurable claims that may be made against it for damage or loss caused by the student/passenger or by members of their party whether wilful or through negligence.
1. Tick your choice of course, workshop or sailing adventure trip and date on the pricing table and complete the booking form below.
2. Telephone Club Sail Sydney Maritime Institute to check availability and one of our team will be happy to discuss your choice with you.
3. Reservations can be taken over the phone and on this website- (see payment clause below)
4. On receipt of your deposit, a confirmation letter and tax invoice will be sent to you outlining your chosen activity and study details. PAYMENT All bookings will be held for a maximum of 7 days and the booking will not be confirmed until a completed and acceptable reservation form has been received, which may also be a fax copy, to the Company together with a 50% deposit for the course, or offshore milebuilder.
For students enquiring about Smart and Skilled NSW Government subsidised vocational education and training, please refer to the student handbook for information.
CANCELLATION Inside 30 days must be made in writing by the person who completed the booking and be sent to the Company at their address and is deemed to take effect on receipt.
Cancellations made between 30 and 15 days will incur a loss of deposit. Balance of payment is to be no later than 15 days prior to commencement of the course.
There will be no REFUNDS given for cancellations made inside 15 days. If a student leaves the yacht and /or abandons a course or milebuilder trip before the scheduled termination date and time for whatever reason NO REFUNDS will be given.
When the deposit to secure a place in a course has been made and if the student then cancels outside 30 days, an administration/service fee of $150 will BE CHARGED.
Any course material that has been issued to the student, MUST be returned to the Company before the remainder of the deposit is refunded. INSURANCE It is advisable to be covered by an insurance policy for the adventure sailing trips to safeguard yourself in the case of cancellation. A copy of the policy is to be forwarded to Club Sail.
Whilst every effort will be made by the Instructor to give the students/passengers maximum time on the sea, weather conditions may be such that, in the opinion of the Instructor, the yacht or crew may be in danger and in such circumstances the vessel will remain in a place of safety. If the weather conditions are such that a prevention of the start or curtailment of a course or sailing trip occurs then no refunds will be given but alternative dates will be offered.
The Company reserves the right at its' discretion to transfer the course or sailing trip from one yacht to another and this action will in no way waive the terms and conditions stated herein. In the event of the Company having to cancel a course or sailing trip, without offering any acceptable alternative then the student/passenger shall be entitled to a full refund of monies paid and no further liability shall be incurred by the Company.
The student/passenger agrees to advise the Company in writing of any medical disability or illness which may adversely affect the ability to participate in the course or sailing trip that they have chosen. It shall be at the discretion of the Company to refuse to accept a booking of a student/passenger where there is an unacceptable risk to the party and the Company in doing so. PRICING Prices are in Australian Dollars.
Club Sail shall not be held liable for death, personal injury, loss or damage to property howsoever arising and therefore by signing this booking form, you hereby release, to the full extent permitted by state, law and equity, The Company, its' employees and agents from all actual and contingent liability in respect of such personal injury, death, loss or damage.